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3025 Beiträge
von Marei John-Ohnesorg | 27.08.12
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Internationalisierung der Hochschulen: Strategien und...

In den letzten Jahren hat die Internationalisierung der Hochschulen stetig an Bedeutung gewonnen. Während sie über lange Zeit als Bottom-Up-Prozess zwischen einzelnen Fakultäten und Wissenschaftler/innen stattfand, nimmt die Internationalisierung...

von Marei John-Ohnesorg | 27.08.12
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Vielfalt oder Fokussierung: Wohin steuert das...

Jenseits der Ausgestaltung des Wettbewerbs stehen grundsätzliche politische Entscheidungen für die Zeit nach der Exzellenzinitiative 2017 aus. Ungeklärt ist: Welche Art von Exzellenz wollen wir in Deutschland? Wie lassen sich deutsche Universitäten...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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University commercialization policies and their...

The article explores how the US and Dutch governments have attempted to bolster research commercialization in their respective research systems and discusses the institutionalization of linkages between universities and industrial firms. First, the...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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U-Map: A University Profiling Tool 2011 Update Report

At the end of the fourth European Commission supported U-Map project this update report presents the progress that has been made in implementing U-Map. Initial reactions to U-Map have been very promising; representatives of participating...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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U-Map: The European Classification of Higher Education...

This is the third and final report of a multi-year research project on the development of a European classification of higher education institutions funded by the European Commission. The first report Institutional Profiles (van Vught Bartelse et al...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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The enigma of quality in Greek higher education - A mixed...

This study focuses on change and stability in Greek higher education as regards the introduction of quality management in universities. Thematically, this study is rooted in organizational research and management research on higher education, within...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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Do spin-off companies make academics' heads' spin...

This study aims to contribute to the existing body of literature by investigating an activity which can be regarded as epitomising knowledge transfer from public research organisations to society and exemplifying innovative forms of knowledge...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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The PhD system, policies and infrastructure of the...

Following the logic of the Bologna structure, the PhD system – or doctorate training – is considered as the third cycle in of the Dutch higher education system, like it is in most European countries. This means that PhD training is following after...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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Quality-related funding, performance agreements and...

This report provides an overview of relevant policy information and stakeholders’ views on quality-related funding, performance agreements and profiling in a number of selected countries. The study is conducted for the Dutch Ministry of Education,...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
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Perspectives on Higher Education and the labour market -...

In the context of the development of the Strategic Agenda Higher Education and Research 2011, the Dutch Ministry requested CHEPS to explore international policy trends regarding the relationship between higher education and the labour market. This...
