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1954 Beiträge
von Dr. phil. Martin Winter | 14.02.11
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Studiengänge vor und nach der Bologna-Reform - Vergleich...

Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind die Studiencurricula der Fächer Chemie, Maschinenbau und Soziologie vor und nach der Bologna-Reform. Analysiert werden das Studienangebot und der jeweils zentrale Studiengang der drei Fächer an drei Universitäten. Im...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
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Quality of Higher Education in the Netherlands

Maarja Beerkens-Soo gives an overview about the Quality of Higher Education in the Netherlands in terms of different indicators like "labour market success", "time spent on study related activities" and "motivation".

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
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Short Cycle Higher Education: An International Review

Talk about so called “short cycle” higher education (SCHE) is not new. Already in the 1970s it was discussed as a way to diversify higher education systems in the face of booming participation. Today, the issue is still at the forefront of policy...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
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Selective admission in higher education: risks and limiting...

This memorandum of Leon Cremonini, Wim van Niekerk and Hans Vossensteyn lists the pros and cons of selection. On the basis of these arguments, it considers the conditions under which the risks of selection can be obviated or reduced as far as...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
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Student Selection: An International Overview

In this short paper Leon Cremonini will look into how student selection is administered in four countries. The aim of the document is to give an idea of issues surrounding the selection of students for higher education and how they may relate to...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
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Higher Education Investments: International Comparison

Many countries have put together targeted investment packages for the higher education sector. In this article Maarja Beerkens-Soo compares the higher education investments of several countries in terms of public and private expenditures.

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 10.02.11
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Higher education issues and trends from an international...

The question about the optimal structure of the higher education system is anything but new. For the last 50 years there has been a search for the right mix of the equivalence and diversity in the system. On the one hand, higher education...

von Prof. Dr. Frank Ziegele | 10.02.11
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Bachelor auf Erfolgskurs!? - Eine Überprüfung einzelner...

Die Bologna-Erklärung, in der Presse primär durch Kritik an den „neuen“ Bachelorstudiengängen präsent, ist zehn Jahre alt. Die Hochschulen haben die vergangene Dekade dazu genutzt, das Studiensystem weitgehend auf das zweigliedrige Bachelor-Master-...

von Prof. Dr. Stefan Hornbostel | 09.02.11
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Social Sciences and Humanities in Germany

The Social Sciences and Humanities are influential for all EU Member States and for the European Commission. Thousands of researchers carry out research in a vast array of themes of national and international interest. They do so taking into account...

von Prof. Dr. Stefan Hornbostel | 09.02.11
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Understanding Inequalities in, through and by Higher...

This book is about access—one of the most important and complex issues in higher education today. Its chapters focus on some of the central issues relating to this theme. It seems a contradiction that access would bring inequality to higher...
