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Eingestellt: 20.01.17 | Besuche: 3235

University of Konstanz: 15 PhD Positions RTG

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Frank Peeters, E-Mail:
Ort: 78457 Konstanz
Web: Bewerbungsfrist: 05.02.17

The University of Konstanz, with its “Institutional Strategy to promote Top-Level Research”, has been
receiving continuous funding since 2007 within the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the
German Federal and State Governments.

The Research Training Group “R3– Responses to biotic and abiotic changes, Resilience and Reversibility
of lake ecosystems” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and based at the
University of Konstanz welcomes applications for up to

15 PhD Positions
(Salary Scale 13 TV-L/ 65 %-75 %)

for a three-year structured program. The RTG will start on 1 April 2017.

The scientific goal of this RTG is to study the mechanism resulting in the resilience of lake ecosystems
to environmental change. Our approach is to study the response of a model system – Lake Constance
– with a multitude of different approaches and from different viewpoints, i.e., combining classical and
novel methods such as population genomics and metagenomics approaches, metabolic profiling,
compound-specific stable-isotope analyses, comparative multi-species experiments, paleo-limnological
and resurrection ecology approaches, time-series analyses, and numerical simulation models.
The RTG will use these methods to study lake responses in three tightly linked research areas:

Response, resilience and reversibility of ecosystem structure,
Response, resilience and reversibility of biotic interactions
Response, resilience and reversibility of carbon and nutrient flows

We offer a structured doctoral qualification programme combining a mentoring program, specific
lectures on research and applied questions in ecology and limnology, a seminar and visiting program
among students, flexible one-week courses, transferable skills courses, visits by guest researchers,
and annual retreats. Furthermore you can expect a highly stimulating research environment.
Further information about the Doctoral positions, and the scientists involved can be found at: .

The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be given preference if
appropriately qualified (contact + 497531/88–4016 und 88-2834).

The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer that tries to increase the number of women
in research and teaching.

The University of Konstanz has been certified as a family-friendly institution by the Hertie Foundation
and is committed to further the compatibility of work and family life.
The University of Konstanz offers a „Dual Career Couples Program“. Information can be obtained from: .

Excellent Master (or equivalent) in ecology, biology, physics, biology, microbiology, bioinformatics,
mathematics depending on RTG project. We expect strong motivation, good communication skills and
the ability for teamwork.

For application, please submit:

  •  motivation letter, including interests, motivation to become part of the RTG, ranking of 3 preferred proects, specific qualifications for chosen projects,
  • curriculum vitae including degree certificates,
  • abstract of master thesis,
  • two letters of recommendation.

Interested candidates should submit their application containing the above mentioned documents
including reference number 2016 / 254 in one PDF file to the speaker of the RTG, Prof. Dr. Frank

Selection of invited applicants will be done at a two-day workshop in the 2nd half of February 2017 at the University of Konstanz. 

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