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Eingestellt: 15.01.13 | Besuche: 1229

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) e.V.: Postdoc position Research Domain Sustainable Solutions: Stochastic Economy-Climate Modeller

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Web: - Bewerbungsfrist: 28.02.13

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT (ref. ek/01, Post-doctoral position, 2 years)

Postdoc position Research Domain Sustainable Solutions:  Stochastic Economy-Climate Modeler

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) offers a new research position. The successful applicant will be involved in the research on climate change mitigation policies. This research activity is led by the Research Domain Sustainable Solutions chaired by Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer.

This position will focus on the quantitative analysis of mitigation policies under uncertainty about future mitigation technologies and climate change. The successful candidate will develop a stochastic energy-economy-climate model of intermediate complexity building on existing modeling frameworks such as the MIND and ReMIND modeling suites operated in our Research Domain.

Research tasks:

    ·  Development of a stochastic energy-economy-climate model with intermediate resolution of the energy 
       sector and coarse resolution of the macro-economic production process

    ·   Analysis of mitigation policy under uncertainty with a focus on technology uncertainty in  
        cost-effectiveness frameworks

Desired skills:

    ·  Expertise in macro economics and cost-benefit analysis.

      ·  Strong experience in the application of mathematical and numerical methods.

    ·   Skills in stochastic programming are helpful.

The model development will be conducted in close cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hermann Held, Chair Sustainability & Global Change, University of Hamburg – KlimaCampus Hamburg. The successful candidate is expected to travel to Hamburg several times per year.

Salary and benefits are according to E13 TV-L depending on qualification. Fluency in English and demonstrated potential for excellence in research is requested from all applicants for the position.

For further information, please visit our homepage at


The Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Impact Research seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply. Applications of disabled persons with equal qualifications will be favorably regarded.

Deadline for Applications: Applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis until the position is filled; first assessment of applications mid-February 2013.

Applications should be sent to: Johann Grüneweg, Email: grueneweg [at], Postal address: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, P.O.Box 601203, 14412 Potsdam, Germany.

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