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Tag: "European"
18 Inhalte
von Nathalie Lugano | 10.01.13
Quality Assurance in Lifelong Learning

This report by the authors Endika Bengoetxea, Outi Kallioinen, Immo Schmidt-Jortzig and Richard Thorn is based on the ENQA workshop on the theme “Quality Assurance in Lifelong Learning” that was held from the 16-17th of May 2011 in Bonn, Germany...

von Nathalie Lugano | 12.08.09
Quality Convergence Study. A contribution to the debates on quality and convergence in the European Higher Education Area

The Quality Convergence Study (QCS) project, a follow-up to a 2002 ENQA survey of quality assurance practices in European countries, was carried out between September 2003 and October 2004. The objective of the QCS project was to study the...

von Nathalie Lugano | 12.08.09
Report to the London conference of ministers on a European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies

Bologna Process ministers of higher education welcomed in 2005 the principle of a European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies. They asked ENQA in cooperation with EUA, EURASHE and ESIB (E4 Group) to develop the practical aspects of the...

von Barbara Michalk | 18.07.08
Standards und Leitlinien für die Qualitätssicherung im Europäischen Hochschulraum

Dieser Bericht ist die Antwort der European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) auf das Doppelmandat, das sich aus dem Berliner Kommuniqué der Ministerinnen und Minister der Bologna-Unterzeichnerstaaten ergeben hat: Ein »...

von Zentrum für Wissenschaftsmanagement e.V. (ZWM) | 23.11.08
The Activities if the EUA as representation of European Universities in particular in regard to the 7th Framework Programme

Die Aktivitäten der European University Association als Interessenvertretung der europäischen Universitäten konzentrierten sich in der Vergangenheit vordergründig auf den Bereich der Doktorandenstudienprogramme. In Hinblick auf das 7. EU-...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
U-Map: A University Profiling Tool 2011 Update Report

At the end of the fourth European Commission supported U-Map project this update report presents the progress that has been made in implementing U-Map. Initial reactions to U-Map have been very promising; representatives of participating...

von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 23.08.12
U-Map: The European Classification of Higher Education Institutions

This is the third and final report of a multi-year research project on the development of a European classification of higher education institutions funded by the European Commission. The first report Institutional Profiles (van Vught Bartelse et...

von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Grunwald | 11.03.09
Universities at a Crossroads: Science and Education between Ivory Tower and Market Place

Die Globalisierung sowie der ökonomische Aufstieg Asiens und Osteuropas führt zu einer Neudefinition von Forschung und Bildung in einer von Wissen dominierten Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im westlichen Europa, was mit einer Aufwertung des...
