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Eingestellt: 23.11.18 | Besuche: 3657

Workshop: Etablierung von Tenure-Track-Professuren

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Eingestellt: 23.11.18 | Besuche: 3581

Lehrgang für ForschungsreferentInnen 2019

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Eingestellt: 16.11.18 | Besuche: 4715

Advanced-Lehrgang für erfahrene WissenschaftsmanagerInnen 2019

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Eingestellt: 16.11.18 | Besuche: 5511

Professional Management Program (PMP) für Führungskräfte 2019

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Eingestellt: 13.11.18 | Besuche: 3641

Lehrgang für Persönliche ReferentInnen 2019

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Eingestellt: 08.11.18 | Besuche: 3923

Lehrgang für WissenschaftsmanagerInnen 2019 - Lehrgang 2

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Eingestellt: 08.11.18 | Besuche: 4206

Lehrgang für WissenschaftsmanagerInnen 2019 - Lehrgang 1

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Eingestellt: 02.10.18 | Besuche: 1128

Technical University of Munich: Scientific fundraising manager (f/m)

Kontakt: Dr. Barbara Schroeder
Ort: 81675 München
Web: Bewerbungsfrist: 31.12.18

The Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI) at the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) in Munich, Germany are an integrated, multi-disciplinary research structure and form the cornerstone of a rapidly expanding bioengineering ecosystem in Munich; including the Research Center TranslaTUM and the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, which integrate bioengineering with oncology and metabolic disorders, respectively. CBI scientists develop next-generation imaging and sensing methods to measure previously inaccessible properties of living systems, hence, catalyzing breakthroughs in biology and medicine. Comprising 11 inter-disciplinary laboratories and scientists from more than 25 countries, CBI offers state-of-the-art infrastructure for innovative research and a perfect environment to accelerate your career.

Join our team and be part of our rich and dynamic research culture of enquiry and innovation. CBI researchers come from the top ranks of physics, chemistry, engineering, and biomedicine and attract significant investment from national and international sources. Our scientists serve in international societies and conferences and are recipients of a multitude of top international and German awards, including the prestigious Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz prize and several ERC awards. In addition to scientific excellence, CBI promotes entrepreneurship, company spin-off activities, and collaborations with other top academic institutions and leading corporations in the photonics, pharmaceuticals and healthcare sectors.

To support our fundraising activities, we now seek a highly qualified and motivated scientific fundraising manager (f/m). This position will be integral to the CBI fundraising strategy and will work closely with the Chair’s Director and the CBI Head of Fundraising as part of the CBI science management team.

The mission:

The CBI science management team provides comprehensive administrative support to our scientists, giving them room to focus their full creative potential on developing the imaging techniques of tomorrow.

The scientific fundraising manager will specifically:

  • Lead applications for third-party funding from national and international funding agencies
  • Scout new funding opportunities
  • Support developing, authoring, and compiling grant proposals together with CBI scientists
  • Coordinate proposal submission and fund administration
  • Support project management activities, including financial controlling and compilation of financial and scientific reports
  • Work at the interface between CBI scientists and the central administrations of HMGU and TUM, external partners and national and international funding agencies
  • Organize and participate in project meetings and workshops in Munich and abroad
  • Support CBI public relations and marketing activities
  • Proof-read scientific texts

Your profile:

The successful applicant must have the following:

  • Ph.D. degree in natural sciences or engineering
  • Extensive experience writing texts for scientific audiences, including one or more proposals for competitive funding
  • Excellent ability to analyze and present complex research projects for various audiences
  • Excellent command of English and German, both written and spoken
  • Independent, flexible, and solution-oriented working style
  • Strong organizational and management skills
  • Commitment to quickly familiarize with new, interdisciplinary research projects
  • Collaborative spirit and ability to work on a highly international and interdisciplinary team
  • Solid IT skills (MS Office, Photoshop etc.)
  • Business-oriented skills or background are an advantage

Our offer:

At CBI, we strongly believe in scientific excellence and innovation. This is your opportunity to be part of and to advance your career in a world-leading research institute, where bioengineering principles meet today’s challenges in biology and medicine to develop the solutions of tomorrow.  CBI provides a highly international, multi-disciplinary environment offering excellent opportunities for professional growth and everything you need to achieve outstanding research findings leading to high-impact publications. We support career development, continuing education and teaching and training opportunities.

Situated in the foothills of the Alps, Munich is consistently ranked as one of the most liveable cities in the world, with an exceptionally high quality of life. Greater Munich is also home to several world-class universities and research institutes, creating a vibrant intellectual atmosphere.

The successful applicant will initially have a 1-year contract, with the possibility of extension. Salary will be commensurate with work experience and seniority in accordance the public service wage agreement of the Free State of Bavaria (TV-L E13). As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications.

Your application:

We are looking forward to receiving your comprehensive application including your letter of motivation, CV and academic transcripts of records preferably in English and in a single PDF file, via email to Please indicate “Scientific fundraising manager (f/m)” in the subject line.


For any question please contact:

Dr. Barbara Schroeder
tel.: +49 89 3187 4180

Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI)
Ismaningerstr. 22
81675 Munich, Germany
Web page:

Eingestellt: 09.05.18 | Besuche: 1820

Universität Heidelberg, Forschungsreferentin/Forschungsreferent Lebenswissenschaften

Kontakt: Dr. Günther R. Mittler
Ort: 69117 Heidelberg
Web: - Bewerbungsfrist: 25.06.18

Im Dezernat 6 (Dezernat Forschung) der Verwaltung der Universität Heidelberg ist zum nächst möglichen Termin die Stelle einer/eines




zur Unterstützung des Bereichs Heidelberg Research Service in der Abteilung 6.2 zu besetzen.


Der Heidelberg Research Service unterstützt die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universität bei der Beantragung und dem Management von Forschungsprojekten, u.a. der DFG, des BMBF oder der EU-Kommission:

  • Sie stehen in engem Kontakt mit den Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern der Fakultät für Biowissenschaften sowie der lebenswissenschaftlichen Zentren und beraten über aktuelle Fördermöglichkeiten. Darüber hinaus beraten sie unterstützend die beiden Medizinischen Fakultäten der Universität Heidelberg.
  • Sie unterstützen Drittmittelprojekte z.B. bei der Antragstellung und Planung, bei der Partnersuche und bei der finanziellen Abwicklung.
  • Sie führen Veranstaltungen zum Thema Forschungsförderung durch.



  • abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit Promotion in den Lebenswissen-schaften


  • Erfahrungen im Bereich Drittmittel bzw. in der Verwaltung im öffentlichen Dienst


  • Erfahrungen im Projektmanagement


  • hervorragende kommunikative Fähigkeiten und organisatorisches Geschick


  • sehr gute Englisch- und EDV-Kenntnisse

Sie sind eine engagierte Persönlichkeit, die Beratung und Projektmanagement als Dienstleistung für die Wissenschaft versteht. Sie sind bereit, eigenständig und im Team flexibel und mit überdurchschnittlichem Engagement Projektverantwortung zu übernehmen.

Die Vergütung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L. Die Stelle ist grundsätzlich teilbar.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter Angabe des Stichwortes „D6 - Heidelberg Research Service - Lebenswissenschaften“. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung bis zum 25.06.2018 an die Universitätsverwaltung, Dezernat Forschung, Frau Nicole Nieder, Seminarstraße 2, 69117 Heidelberg, Online-Bewerbungen sind erwünscht.

Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig eingestellt.

Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass eingegangene Bewerbungsunterlagen nicht zurückgesandt werden.

  • Bisher keine Ordner/Dateien vorhanden.
Eingestellt: 30.04.18 | Besuche: 2268

Technische Universität Darmstadt, Kooperationsmanagerin/-manager für die Strategische Allianz der Rhein-Main-Universitäten

Kontakt: Dr. Tina Klug
Ort: 64289 Darmstadt
Web: Bewerbungsfrist: 21.05.18
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