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06/2022 5 doctoral positions for Ph.D. projects (f/m/d)

Kontakt: Dr. Elisabeth Begemann
Ort: 99085 Erfurt
Web:… Bewerbungsfrist: 15.04.22

reference number 06/2022

The Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies (Max-Weber-Kolleg) at the University of Erfurt invites applications for up to:


5 doctoral positions for Ph.D. projects (f/m/d)
Pay category E 13 TV-L (65 %)


In the fields of Classics, Music Didactics, North American and Modern History, Early Christianity, Religious Studies and Sociology as well as related subjects within the framework of the International Graduate School (IGS) “Resonant Self–World Relations in Ancient and Modern Socio-Religious Practices” directed by Prof. Dr. Jörg Rüpke and Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa (Erfurt) and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spickermann and Prof. Dr. Irmtraud Fischer (Graz), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Research Foundation (FWF).

The positions are to be filled by 1 October 2022 for a period of 3 years.

The project is a cooperation between the Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt and the University of Graz. Participants are required to spend the second year of their participation in the programme at the cooperating university.

As an International Research Training Group, the programme’s primary language is English.



  • excellent degree in one of the above named or related disciplines
  • knowledge of English, German (at least reading skills, candidates without knowledge of German are requested to take courses) and other relevant languages
  • willingness to cooperate with colleagues within the interdisciplinary research environment of the Max-Weber-Kolleg, in particular the IGS, and the University of Graz
  • willingness to take part in the joint study programme and to move to the University of Graz for one academic year
  • willingness to pursue a doctorate at the University of Erfurt

Core research fields and project suggestions in the framework of the IGS are outlined on the programme’s website (cf. “Suggested Projects”). Further proposals developed by applicants for research projects that fit the framework of “Resonant Self–World Relations” in the above named disciplines are welcome.


The positions are tied to third-party funding and limited to a period of 3 years.

The Call for Application is aimed at applicants who fulfil the requirements of Academic Fixed-Term Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz). General conditions of employment of the Thuringian Higher Education Act (Thüringer Hochschulgesetz) § 91 pass. 5 apply.

If you have a foreign university degree, you must apply to the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZAB) for a Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications and enclose the relevant certificate within your application documents. Please note that this is a service provided by the ZAB for which a fee is charged. You can find further information at

The University of Erfurt is committed to diversity and gender equality. It has been audited as a "family-friendly university" and has received an excellent equality rating within the female professors program. One of the university's strategic goals is to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified female scientists are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled persons and those with equal status are given preference in the case of equal suitability, professional performance, and ability.

The University of Erfurt promotes the compatibility of career and family and offers flexible working hours and further training opportunities as well as a range of health and prevention offers as part of the company health management.

Inquiries may be made to Dr. Elisabeth Begemann (


Application and Deadline
Please submit your application with CV, copies of your final school and university degrees, a copy of your MA or diploma thesis, one letter of recommendation and an outline of the PhD project you would like to pursue (max. 5 pages) with a stringent discussion of your research questions, the state of research on the topic, the methodological approach and the leading hypotheses as well as a working schedule and projected date of completion as one pdf-file (maximum of 10 MB) by 15 April 2022 to:

University of Erfurt • Max-Weber-Kolleg •

Prospective candidates will be invited to personal interviews conducted on 21 June 2022 in person or via video conferencing.


Data protection
The University of Erfurt uses an e-mail system with transport encryption capabilities. Please send your e-mails with transport encryption, too. If you wish to encrypt the content of your e-mail further, please use the following e-mail address instead of the one provided above: The certificate containing the public key you need to send an encrypted e-mail to that address is available at If you choose not to encrypt your e-mail using the certificate, we cannot guarantee that the content of your e-mail will be encrypted at all.

In sending your application files in electronic form, you agree to having your e-mail scanned for harmful coding, viruses and spam, to the temporary saving of the necessary data of your correspondence and to the conducting of further correspondence via e-mail without further encryption.

By submitting your application, you also agree to the further processing of the submitted personal data within the application process. This agreement can be withdrawn at any point in written or electronic form, without specifying your reasons. Please note that withdrawal of your agreement may lead to your application not being further considered for the position applied for.

The further information on data protection in accordance with Art. 13 EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) can be found in the information sheet ("Privacy Notices for Applicants") on our website under


Reimbursement of Expenses
The University of Erfurt does not refund any costs incurred in the application process.

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