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Tag: "Accreditation"
7 Inhalte
von Nathalie Lugano | 14.08.09
A Review Process in Mexico Using European Methods and Standards

The present publication gives the outcomes of and reflections on the review process carried out in March 2008 for the accreditation of six university degree programmes given at the Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur (CUCSUR), in the state of...

von Nathalie Lugano | 19.11.08
Accreditation Models in Higher Education

ENQA has published its third workshop report, on the contents and results of a seminar on accreditation models. The event has hosted by the Comitato per la Valutazione del Sistema Universitario, an ENQA member agency.

von Nathalie Lugano | 21.11.08
Decision on the Application of the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) for Re-Accreditation Dated 12 May 2006

Decision of the German Accreditation Council on the application of the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) for reaccreditation, granting FIBAA the authority to accredit study programmes by awarding the seal...

mssing: wimojoboffer
von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Enders | 14.08.09
New Degrees in the Netherlands. Evaluation of the Bachelor-Master Structure and Accreditation in Dutch Higher Education

This document presents the results of a study on the introduction of the bachelormaster structure and accreditation in the Netherlands.

von Nathalie Lugano | 12.08.09
Programme-oriented and institutional-oriented approaches to quality assurance: new developments and mixed approaches

This report is the result of an ENQA workshop, hosted by the German Accreditation Council (GAC) in Berlin in June 2008, which gave an opportunity to share experience of linking both programme-oriented and institutional-oriented approaches and to...

von Nathalie Lugano | 14.07.09
Report on the Evaluation of the Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Germany (German Accreditation Council) April 2008

Im Zuge des Bologna-Prozesses hat sich im deutschen Hochschulsystem, wie auch in den anderen Bologna-Ländern, das Instrument der Akkreditierung etabliert. Jedoch befindet sich das junge deutsche Akkreditierungssystem in der Übergangsphase...