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Eingestellt: 29.03.23 | Besuche: 521

16/2023 Full Professorship (W3) for Pastoral Theology and Religious Education (f/m/d)

Kontakt: see job advertisement
Ort: 99089 Erfurt
Web:… Bewerbungsfrist: 31.05.23

reference number 16/2023

At the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Erfurt, the following professorship is to be filled as of 1 April 2025:


Full Professorship (W3) for Pastoral Theology and Religious Education (f/m/d)


Area of Responsibility
The position holder is responsible for the subjects of „Pastoral Theology“ and „Religious Education“ in their entirebreadth in research and teaching. The professor participates in the teaching of all study programs offered by the Faculty of Catholic Theology, including those for continuous education, and cooperates in research and teaching with other faculties and institutions of the university, in particular within the university's research focal area of “Religion. Society. Relationship to the World”. The professor actively engages within the framework of the strategy for internationalization of the University of Erfurt.


What we expect
Besides the general requirements under public service law, proof must be provided that the requirements for employment as per § 84 of the Thuringian Higher Education Act (Thüringer Hochschulgesetz) are fulfilled. Furthermore, the provisions of the concordat between the Holy See and the Free State of Thuringia of 19 November 2002 apply.

  • Recruitment requirements include a successfully completed academic study of Catholic theology (“Diplom”, Magister Theologiae, or equivalent degree), the special qualification to academic research, which is usually proven by way of a doctorate in Catholic theology, as well as through additional academic achievements in the field of the advertised professorship. These additional academic achievements are demonstrated by a habilitation in Pastoral Theology or Religious Education or through equivalent academic achievements, for example in the context of a junior professorship.
  • The applicant has well founded knowledge and experience in university education and its didactics, which is documented by certificates for higher education and/or evaluation results.
  • The applicant is expected to participate in quality control and development of study programs of the faculty.
  • The applicant has experience in academic self-governance.
  • International experience in teaching and/or research are expected. The applicant has the necessary skills to initiate new international cooperations for the faculty and the university.
  • The acquisition of external funding is desirable.
  • Expected is the ability and willingness to network with the other academic subjects at the University of Erfurt.
  • Expected is the ability and willingness to attend to the specific social situation in the secular environment and the ecclesial diaspora situation of Eastern Germany in research and teaching.
  • Expected is the ability and willingness to profile the professorship in view of contemporary digitalization.
  • Applicants are expected to have a proficiency in German of at least B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In addition, the competence level of the successful applicant is expected to be at least C1 after three years.


What we offer
The University of Erfurt is audited as a "family-friendly university" and promotes the compatibility of career and family. It offers dual careers, a wide range of further train-ing opportunities and coaching as well as health and prevention services as part of occupational health management.


Comments / Remarks
The German version of this vacancy notice alone shall be legally binding.

When first appointed to a professorship, employment may initially be for a fixed term in accordance with Section 86 (1) sentence 4 of the Thuringian Higher Education Act (ThürHG).

The University of Erfurt is committed to diversity and gender equality and has received the rating "equality excellent" in the female professors' program of the federal and state governments. One of the university's strategic goals is increasing the proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified female scientists are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Severely disabled persons and those with equal status are given preference in the case of equal suitability, professional performance, and ability.

The University expects the candidate to be willing to relocate to the University or its vicinity. Participation in the interdisciplinary and partly English-language teaching pro-gram including Studium Fundamentale is expected.

Part-time employment is possible in principle. The extent to which a part-time request can be met, particularly with regard to the location and scope of the part-time work, must be examined on a case-by-case basis.


Application and Deadline
The application must contain all pertinent documents (letter of application including re-search interests and intended research projects, curriculum vitae, list of publications and courses taught, report on previous research activities financed through third-party funding, overview of previous lectures and courses as well as copies of certificates of academic examinations and appointments, in particular of the habilitation). Please send your complete application quoting the reference number exclusively by e-mail, by
31 May 2023 to

University of Erfurt • The Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology • Prof. Dr. Jörg Seiler • Postfach 90 02 21 • 99105 Erfurt • email:

Please note that applications in electronic form must not exceed a size of 15 MB for technical reasons.


Data protection
The University of Erfurt uses an e-mail system with transport encryption capabilities. Please send your e-mails with transport encryption, too. If you wish to encrypt the content of your e-mail further, please use the following e-mail address instead of the one provided above: The certificate containing the public key you need to send an encrypted e-mail to that address is available at If you choose not to encrypt your e-mail using the certificate, we cannot guarantee that the content of your e-mail will be encrypted at all.

In sending your application files in electronic form, you agree to having your e-mail scanned for harmful coding, viruses and spam, to the temporary saving of the necessary data of your correspondence and to the conducting of further correspondence via e-mail without further encryption.

By submitting your application, you also agree to the further processing of the submitted personal data within the application process. This agreement can be withdrawn at any point in written or electronic form, without specifying your reasons. Please note that withdrawal of your agreement may lead to your application not being further considered for the position applied for.

The further information on data protection in accordance with Art. 13 EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) can be found in the information sheet ("Privacy Notices for Applicants") on our website under


Reimbursement of Expenses
The University of Erfurt does not refund any costs incurred in the application process.

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