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Eingestellt: 21.11.08 | Erstellt:
07.07.06 | Besuche: 4220
The Transnational European Evaluation Project II (TEEP II) was a detailed follow-up to the first Transnational European Pilot Project I (TEEP I) coordinated by ENQA in 2002-2003. TEEP II was a European-wide transnational quality evaluation scheme which aspired to identify means and common elements for quality assurance in the Joint Masters Programmes in three subject areas (water magement, cultural and communication studies, law and economics).
Quellen:The three subject-specific reports can be accessed here: Water management (EuroAquae)(pdf), Cultural and Communication Studies (CoMundus)(pdf), Law and Economics (EMLE)(pdf).
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Workshop Report 9: Programme-oriented and institutional-oriented...
Nathalie LuganoInternal Quality Assurance and Benchmarking
Nathalie LuganoWorkshop Report 11: Quality Assurance in Transnational Higher Education
Nathalie Lugano