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Eingestellt: 19.05.14 | Erstellt: 15.03.14 | Besuche: 7484
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Global University Rankings — Impacts and Unintended Side Effects

This article begins with a critical assessment of the impacts of rankings on the European and national landscapes of higher education and analyses their unintended side effects on organisational behaviour of universities. It makes an attempt to frame rankings as a form of transnational policy coordination in which they function as the dominant policy script which basically no university can escape any longer. It is also argued that rankings themselves and their outcomes have become indicators—or better: proxies—for the economic competitiveness of nations.Thus they become loaded with a symbolic value on the basis of which government decisions are taken (e.g. with respect to funding). This symbolic value is then charged with meaning which is no longer related to the actual reality of universities and what they are about. A truly postmodern shift.

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Global University Rankings — Impacts and Unintended Side Effects

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Kehm, B. M. (2014), Global University Rankings — Impacts and Unintended Side Effects. European Journal of Education, 49: 102–112. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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Eingestellt: 18.05.14 | Erstellt: 21.03.14 | Besuche: 9267
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Assessing the Quality of the Bachelor Degree Courses: An Analysis of their Effects on Students' Acquisition of Economic Content Knowledge

Quality development in higher education (HE) relies on the assessment, evaluation, and optimisation of university teaching. Only a few studies have evaluated the new bachelor (BA) and master (MA) degree courses in Germany based on an objective measurement of key performance indicators, such as students' knowledge acquisition. To address this research deficit, students' content knowledge of business and economic (b&e) was assessed in a longitudinal study. Results of students in the BA/MA study model were compared to those of students in the former Diplom study model while many potential structural and personal influence factors were controlled. This paper presents in detail the findings and discusses their implications for quality assurance and performance assessment in HE.

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Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg.9 / Nr.2 (März 2014)
Eingestellt: 14.03.14 | Erstellt: 22.03.13 | Besuche: 7270
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European Quality Assurance from a policy perspective: where did we come from, where are we heading?

The article presents some key developments in quality assurance (QA) on a European level over the last ten years. Particular attention is paid to discussing the impact of European QA policies (e.g. the European Standards & Guidelines) at the European and national level. This is done through a literature survey of recent policy studies, such as the Bologna Process progress reports. Taking stock, the article not only explores important issues related to QA (e.g. diversity or stakeholder participation) but also presents some likely future developments.

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Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg.8 / Nr.2 (März 2013)
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Eingestellt: 12.03.14 | Erstellt: 14.02.14 | Besuche: 7529
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Adopting a 'bifocal approach' in Swiss academic mentoring programmes - challenges and opportunities

Mentoring programmes have been accused of inadequately addressing organisations' gendered cultures. In reaction to this, mentoring approaches started applying a dual focus, i. e. targetting both individual development and organisational change. This paper explores - through the lens of the 'bifocal approach' - whether and how two Swiss academic mentoring programmes for female advanced doctoral students and early postdoctoral scholars have adopted a a dual focus. The paper shows that the programmes have developed strategies adopting this approach to a certain extent and discusses the challenges and opportunities experienced.

Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg.9 / Nr.1 (Februar 2014)   Zum Editorial sowie weiteren Artikeln dieser Ausgabe gelangen Sie hier
Eingestellt: 12.03.14 | Erstellt: 14.02.14 | Besuche: 10741
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Central Support for Decentralized Mentoring Measures - the Freiburg Approach

The Student Mentoring Competence Network is part of the University of Freiburg's central student services. The mentoring measures accompany students throughout their studies, with the goal of lowering dropout rates, enhancing the attractiveness of studies and increasing student satisfaction, easing the burden on teachers, and helping students to develop their personalities and realize their full potential. Initial experiences speak for the effectiveness of our decentralized approach: The departments select their own mentees and develop, organize, and implement their own programs. The network provides central financial resources and personnel to advise the departments on designing and implementing the programs and to ensure that they adhere to interdisciplinary quality standards.

Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE Jg.9 / Nr.1 (Februar 2014)   Zum Editorial sowie weiteren Artikeln dieser Ausgabe gelangen Sie hier
Eingestellt: 07.02.14 | Erstellt: 30.08.13 | Besuche: 5728
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Higher Education Funding: Mechanisms in Germany

Within a decade a paradigm shift in the funding of German universities has taken place: autonomy, competition and performance criteria now take center stage. Steering efforts of governments shifted from regulatory interventions to financial incentive systems. Nevertheless, the German funding model is not independent from its context – on the contrary, it is determined by certain factors that are described. This article also introduces major funding instruments for federal and state governments and shows how public funding instruments in Germany try to balance three major purposes. Furthermore, it points out that these tools have a common ground and offers an overview on the three typical pillars of funding models (basic, performance-oriented and innovation-/profile-oriented). They can be combined in different ways. To conclude, the articles highlights several lessons learnt.

Erschienen in: Revista de Educación y Derecho / Education an Law Review, Nr. 8, April - September 2013
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    690.64 KB | 27.05.14 ( )
Eingestellt: 04.09.13 | Erstellt: 04.09.13 | Besuche: 6599
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Integrating Doctoral Training and Strategic Research Direction at UAS - An Implementation Oriented Concept

Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Implementierung von Promotionen an Fachhochschulen unter Berücksichtigung der strategischen Forschungsausrichtung

During the last decade, more and more Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in German speakingcountries have started to conduct applied research. As a consequence, they are increasingly engaged in qualifying scientific staff by providing opportunities for doctoral candidates (DCs) to receive a PhD at a university while working at the UAS. However, until now most UAS are still lacking a structured system in which their junior research staff is supported during the PhD. While some disciplines are only marginally affected by these changes in the higher education (HE) systems, psychology as a poly‐paradigmatic discipline is especially challenged. To ensure a further integration of UAS research in psychological research and to secure the concurrent researcher qualification, more strategically oriented approaches need to be developed. In this paper, the case of a school of applied psychology is focussed. First, (1) the political framework and disciplinary specialties are considered. Based on (2) a review of strategy in HE institutions (HEIs) and (3) five explorative interviews with stakeholders from UAS, (4) main pillars of a strategic concept and a framework of a guideline for training DCs are presented. Paper als Poster vorgestellt auf dem EAIR Forum 2013 in Rotterdam, Niederlande
Eingestellt: 17.05.13 | Erstellt: 15.04.13 | Besuche: 5681
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Reflections on a Decade of Global Rankings: What we’ve learned and outstanding issues

Ten years after the first global rankings appeared, it is clear that they have had an extraordinary impact on higher education. While there are fundamental questions about whether rankings measure either quality or what’s meaningful, they have succeeded in exposing higher education to international comparison. Moreso, because of the important role higher education plays as a driver of economic development, rankings have exposed both an information deficit and national competitiveness. Accordingly, both nations and institutions have sought to maximise their position vis-á-vis global rankings with positive and perverse effects. Their legacy is evident in the way rankings have become an implicit – and often explicit – reference point for policymaking and higher education decision-making, and have reinforced an evaluative state’s over-reliance on quantitative indicators to measure quality.

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Erschienen in: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 2 | 2013
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Eingestellt: 23.08.12 | Erstellt: 01.09.11 | Besuche: 4969
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U-Map: A University Profiling Tool 2011 Update Report

At the end of the fourth European Commission supported U-Map project this update report presents the progress that has been made in implementing U-Map. Initial reactions to U-Map have been very promising; representatives of participating institutions and policy-makers have found that the institutional profiles it produces are useful in increasing transparency and in informing institutional and national policy-making. On a European scale, U-Map offers the promise of a better understanding of diversity as an important factor in the further development of the European higher education and research systems and the realisation of the goals of the Lisbon strategy, the Bologna process and the new European Commission Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education (September 2011).

Quelle: Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS)     siehe auch: U-Map: The European Classification of Higher Education Institutions
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Eingestellt: 23.08.12 | Erstellt: 01.02.10 | Besuche: 6164
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U-Map: The European Classification of Higher Education Institutions

This is the third and final report of a multi-year research project on the development of a European classification of higher education institutions funded by the European Commission. The first report Institutional Profiles (van Vught Bartelse et al. 2005) was published in August 2005 and included a set of principles for designing a European higher education classification as well as a first draft of the components of such a classification. The second report Mapping Diversity (van Vught Kaiser et al. 2008) was published in October 2008 and reported on the extensive testing of the draft classification and the changes made in a revised second draft. This final report contains a firm proposal for a multidimensional and user-driven European classification of higher education institutions and an organisational model for its implementation.

Quelle: Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS)     siehe auch: U-Map: A University Profiling Tool 2011 Update Report
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